Language learning

Language learning is broadly defined as developing the ability to communicate in the second / foreign language. It can be Language learning for specialists. This includes programmes which not only teach language but also a variety of subject ‘content’ related to language such as literature, culture, history and politics at BA or MA level. This also covers programmes and courses involving the teaching of translating and interpreting. It can also be Language learning for non‐specialists or service languages. This includes language teaching options which are available to all interested students, some of which may have a focus on specific topics (e.g. German for Law) or on the enhancement of selected skills (e.g. effective speaking skills). And there is Language learning for social purposes. This includes language learning for mobility or where the local language is taught as a foreign language to incoming students. It also relates to language learning for employability, travel (holidays or living abroad) or for heritage/family reasons. In some cases language learning of this type will take place as part of continuing or adult education delivered by higher education institutions.

Showing 3 of 3 discussions
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Picture of Dhirendrakumar das
Dhirendrakumar das
0 Sun, 16 Feb 2020, 2:02 PM
Picture of Dhirendrakumar das
Dhirendrakumar das
0 Sun, 16 Feb 2020, 2:00 PM
English language
Picture of Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar
0 Thu, 30 Jan 2020, 5:37 AM